
11 Feb 2014

Subsidies for EU agricultue - a critique of CAP

Today I'm in the mood of attacking state-financed industry. Actually not subsidies in general, but a particularly harmful subsidy; agricultural subsidies.

Financially supporting farmers has been a key part of policies for many countries, but moreso the European Union. Since the time of ECC the framework know as Common Agricultural Policy has been in placed, disrupting markets and increasing prices for normal people. It consists of a few different components, such as encouraging overproduction, EU promise to buy at a guaranteed price and to increase general production of crops. (Here's a brief comparison over pros and con for CAP)

As this chart shows, increased European prices is not a very new phenomenon. It's been around for a while.

"The averege person in sub-Saharan Africa earns less than $1 a day. The average cow in Europe - thanks to government subsidies - earns about $2 a day. And therein lies a tale of the power of European farm interests and the weakness of African economies". Kevin Hassett & Robert Shapiro (Quote's from an article about 10 years back, so the numbers are probably not entirely accurate)

What impact does this have then? 

Not only does the CAP artificially increase food prices for European Consumers, it also harms non-european producers (predominantly African and Asian farmers, i.e the poorest of the poor) that otherwise would have supplied the European market with crops. As if that were not enough, the EU also dumps surpluses on the international markets, surpressing prices further and in another strike hurts farmers in developing countries. It's almost as if the CAP was designed to hurt African farmers as much as possible. I mean, is there anything it can do to do FURTHER harm to African farmers?

Strike 1) Block them from our Markets by Huge tariffs on Agricultural products
Strike 2) Pay our own farmers to overproduce, and sell below production costs
Strike 3) Dump the surplusses on the international markets, surpressing the price African farmers would have sold their crops for otherwise

That's amazing. Together with kickbacks and general inefficiencies with development aid and Remittances outweighting Western Development aid, the CAP is just another measure to harm poor people in other parts of the world.


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